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Whole rice salad with trout

Riso Carnaroli Integrale Cascina San Maiolo

Whole grain rice is tasty and healthy and is particularly suitable for summer recipes. Today we want to give you our interpretation of a healthy and fresh recipe for a summer appetizer: San Maiolo brown rice salad with trout.

Ingredients for 4 person:
300 g brown rice

1 bay leaf

3 legs of celery + a few leaves

100 g of smoked salmon trout fillets

1 pink grapefruit

1 yellow grapefruit

fresh parsley

extra virgin olive oil

Worcester sauce



Rinse the brown rice thoroughly.Boil the bay leaf and celery leaves in plenty of water with a pinch of salt.Pour in the rice and when it starts boiling again, lower the heat and cook for 40 minutes over a moderate heat.Cut the celery legs, grapefruits and trout into small pieces. Chop the parsley finely.Pour all the ingredients into a bowl, preferably wooden.Add the boiled brown rice after quickly rinsing it under cold water.Season with extra virgin olive oil and Worcester sauce.Season with fresh pepper.

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