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from integrated agriculture

Riso Carnaroli Cascina San Maiolo - Novara


Its main quality is its excellent cooking resistance.

It holds the "heart" of the rice grain firm. During the risotto creaming process, it develops a good creaminess.

This is the variety that Chefs choose for its great reliability.

Cooking time: 18/20 minutes.


- 500 gr pack.

 Elegant cardboard box and vacuum-sealed rice bag

- 1 kg pack.

 Elegant cardboard box and vacuum-sealed rice bag

- Foodservice package 10 x 1 kg

Multipack carton with 10 packages of 1kg rice each, vacuum-sealed.

For the needs of the restaurant industry, it eases dosing and ensures a perfect storage of the product.

The packages inside the box are not sold individually.


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Since 2012, we have voluntarily adhered to the GLOBALG.A.P. standard, the international standard for safe and sustainable agriculture. Since 2017, we have also adhered to the Integrated Production guidelines of the Piedmont Region, known under the acronym SQNPI, National Quality System for Integrated Production, which grant environment respect and healthiness through the specifications for sustainable low-impact crop protection. Further, since 2021, we are also part of the SAI PLATFORM, Sustainable Agriculture Initiative, an additional certification for sustainable rice cultivation.


The fact of complying with these standards leads us to a constant commitment in searching and improving the agricultural practices we adopt as well as in paying close attention to the ecological impact of our crops. The result is a healthy rice and, at the same time, the preservation of the natural environment in which it grows.


With our local shop at Km 0, open to the public for the direct sale of our rice, we are also part of Campagna Amica, a Foundation which promotes the excellencies of the Italian agricultural production chain, defends biodiversity and supports the Made in Italy.

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